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"In 2010, a couple was killed and their home destroyed by the San Bruno PG&E explosion. Their original documents were in a fireproof vault in their home, but the vault did not withstand the blast. They were not my clients and copies of their documents could not be located. I worked with the surviving family to administer the estate according to intestate succession laws. We are not sure that is the way they would have wished their assets be distributed, but it was the only thing we could do."  Trust & Estates Attorney, Monterey, CA.


"I chair the Monterey Estate Planning Study Group ~ a group of lawyers, CPAs, and trustees that meet once a month to review best practices in trust and estate planning and administration. Numerous times a month I am contacted with the request to send out an email to the group to 'find the documents' of a person who is either incapacitated or deceased. Every month! This is why I started EstateDoc Vault. Our company safely secures estate planning documents in our Monterey office, makes them digitally available to a client's advisors and makes Medical Directives available to hospitals 24/7. This way clients' documents are available when they - or their family - desperately need them."  Liza Horvath, Senior Advocate & Trust Professional, Monterey, CA.  







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